Sep 28, 2008

Do you need to send a private note to someone? Perhaps a note so private that it self-destructs once read?

Do you like the idea of writing a private note to a crush, yet having the ability to destroy the note before they read it?

Send A Private Note Today! allows you to send private notes to anyone, and it’s free!

Some uses of Privnote are:

  • send a private note to a co-worker or the boss
  • get notified of the exact moment your private note is read
  • send a private love note with the ability to destroy it before its read
  • plan a surprise party with private notes leaving no trace
Those are just some suggestions, I’m sure you can think of more ways to use private notes.

Create your private note, copy the link to the private note, and email it to the intended party.

Optionally, you can request to be notified once the private note is read, or you can read it yourself to destroy it.

Head to and start sending your free private notes today!


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